Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Introduction

The Introduction
This is my first official blog post that doesn't involve Myspace. I thought it was time for my own space to write the things that I think and feel. I can't promise you will like or agree with my thoughts and opinions but they are still mine. I can't promise I'll always be nice or that the things that I write will be easy to read or understand. But, they will all be ME.Hopefully this doesn't make any of you feel like running in the other direction. Stay, read if you like.My name is Bethany. I am a 25 yr old wife and mother of 3. I have been married to Steve since February 1, 2003 and we welcomed Halana Grace on 4/29/03, Bodan Eric on 6/2/04 (yes, I know they aren't very far apart. I will NEVER forget that!) and Marin Cate born in spite of my best efforts on 12/25/06... (yes, that date looks familiar.. it's freakin' Christmas!)My husband and I own our home and we have been living here for 5 yrs. Life has not turned out the way I always dreamed it would. I think most of us find that the fairy tale life often turns out to be just that... only a fairy tale... However, no matter how life turns out to be and what gets thrown my way I have a husband that loves me and 3 wonderful, beautiful children that make each day a day worth living.If I tried to give my family history or my life story it would take a very long time to write out. So, I will start with current facts and go from there. I will however need to travel back in time this year to a date that I will never forget. May 12th, 2008. On this day life changed forever. I will never look at life the way I used to and I live each day in fear of the nightmare that changed everything.May 12th 2008 My dear sweet nephew nearly drowned while being babysat by my stepmom. Ethan Alberto Barona the 21 month old son of Joanna and Guillo Barona suffered severe damages from his near drowning experience. I hope and pray that God will daily work the restoration of his brain and body and I look forward to the day when things are easier.I did keep a caringbridge journal for my sister giving friends and families updates on Ethan's condition here if you want to know more about it you can go there.You may be wondering why that was such a life changing experience for me. Ethan was not my son, but there is no little boy on earth that I could have every cared about more that wasn't my own. Ethan is the son of my sister who I couldn't love any more than I do. He has been a constant joy in my life since the day I found out that my sister was expecting. I hurt for her loss and I hurt for missing Ethan. I still can't see little boys his age without tearing up and thinking that he should be happy and playing just like them instead of being trapped inside his body and limited by his injured brain. I'm sure you will hear plenty more on the subject if you stick around and keep reading in the days, weeks and years to come.So, I've kept this one pretty simple. Mostly stated facts and not too many opinions. I can't promise that will always be the case.That is all for now.